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M.G.H. Zaidi
Prof. M.G.H. Zaidi
Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, India

Dr. M.G.H.Zaidi is an Indian national, physical chemist, academician, inventor and academic administrator. Most notably, the development of his entire academics and achievements took place in India. He has conferred the Degrees of B.Sc. (1985) and M.Sc. (1987) from Lucknow University (L.U.), U.P., India. He acquired Ph.D. degree in Chemistry (1992) with thesis entitled ”Synthesis of Some Newer High Temperature resistant Polymers” at the young age of 25 years under the expert advisement of Professor J. S. Shukla from Lucknow University,U.P., India. He has been sincerely dedicated to Department of Chemistry, G.B .Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar Uttarakhand, since 1998-99. He has made pioneering contributions to the field of polymer science and technology, which have received immense acclaim among peers across the world. His work is notable due to its overarching theme of inventive use of polymer science and technology with cross-disciplinary applicability. His highly referenced works include research on the development and applications of polymer materials in structural engineering, nano-biotechnology, electronics, and energy storage, as well as on their valorization, computational methodologies, biodegradation and environmental impact. He is competent to execute tasks independently while coordinating many polymer science and technology projects at once. His work is notable due to its overarching theme of inventive use of polymer science and technology with cross-disciplinary applicability. He has received research support for dissemination of research and development in polymer science & technology from a number of national, international, and private organizations. Dr. Zaidi is a meticulous and problem-solving scientist with more than 140 publications to his name, including reviews, articles with high impact factors, perspectives, conference proceedings, book chapters, and several patents. About 70 research fellows, master's students, and doctorate candidates have been supervised by him in the field of polymer science, specifically chemistry, mechanical engineering, and agricultural chemicals. He has been sharing his academic skills over decades as invited referee, member of editorial boards of several reputed journals, speaker and member of organizing committee at national and international scientific events.