Dr. Xiaonan Tang
Dr. Xiaonan Tang
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
Before joining XJTLU (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University) in 2015, Dr Tang worked on fluvial, flood hydraulics and water environment for many years at the University of Birmingham (UK), particularly in overbank flow and vegetated flow in hydraulics and river engineering. His research achievements have widely been recognized, awarded two prestigious prizes - Harold Jan Schoemaker Award (IAHR) and Telford Premium (ICE) in 2009. 
       Dr Tang is a leading expert in fluvial/flood hydraulics, vegetated flow, and environmental fluid mechanics, with over 110 paper publications. His recent academic activities include flow interaction and prediction in compound channel flows, the effect of vegetation on open channel flow, and sediment transport and river dynamics, which involve experimental study, analytical and numerical modelling.