Prof. Georgy Petrov
Prof. Georgy Petrov
Orel State University, Russia
July 27, 1940 Moscow, Russia
Hydraulic engineer,
Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Honored Worker of RAO "UES of RUSSIA".
Honored Scientist of Tajikistan,
Academician of the International Energy Academy (St. Petersburg branch),
Academician of the Engineering Academy of Tajikistan.
1962-2000 took part in the design, scientific justification and construction of the largest HPP in Central Asia: Toktogul, in Kyrgyzstan; Chardara in Kazakhstan; Charvak, in Uzbekistan; Nurek, Baipaza, Sangtuda and Rogun in Tajikistan, etc.
1979-1984 - Head of the Department at the construction of the Hadita HPP on the Euphrates River, Iraq.
1987 - Chief Engineer of the Barari Dam Project, India.
1988-1994 - Director of the Hydroenergoproekt Institute, Tajikistan.
1994 -2001 - Vice President of the State Energy Company of Tajikistan "Barki Tojik".
2003-2005 - Member of the Executive Committee IFAS.
2002-2016 - Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
2016 - to date - Chief Researcher of the Center for Innovative Development and New Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
2017 - until now - Professor of the Department of Energy Equipment and Energy Saving, Oryol State University named after. I. S. Turgenev.
Scientific interests – energy, hydropower, economics, ecology, international water law.
Worked in international projects (UN, the World and Asian Banks, USAID, etc.)
492 publications, including 29 monographs.